96 miles, 5 days, 52 years old and two dodgy knees

On 13/06/2016

Graeme anderson walk

Graeme Anderson Commercial Director at the developers of TITAN VISION, Visual Management Systems Limited completed his sponsored walk of the West Highland Way this weekend following a 5 day challenge covering an amazing 96 miles amongst some of Scotland’s most beautiful scenery.

Graeme and his fellow walkers trecked the 96 miles in aid of the CHAS Charity (Children’s Hospice Association of Scotland) following the loss of his 25 year old son Gregor to Duchene Muscular Dystrophy last year.

Congratulations to the team, Calum, Jamie, Graeme, David, Graham and Ryan pictured (left to right) finishing in Fort William raising in excess of £4000.

Graeme Anderson’s Story

Graeme anderson sonAs you probably already know I lost my son Gregor at the end of last year. Gregor had Duchene Muscular Dystrophy and battled bravely for 25 years. Gregor died on the 8th of December at Rachel House in Kinross, See below the last picture I have of the 2 of us taken the week before in his room at Rachel House.

Gregor had used Rachel house (part of Childrens Hospice Association Scotland or CHAS) for the last 20 years, and the support they have given both him and the rest of the family was beyond compare. CHAS is predominantly a charitable organisation so Gregor's pals Jamie Tortolano and David Gow have decided to try and give something back by doing this sponsored walk of the West Highland Way, and guess what, they  talked me into doing it too (don’t laugh)!

Stats are 96 miles, 5 days, 52 years old and two dodgy knees, what can possibly go wrong. Please help me make it worthwhile by making a donation to Jamie's "Just Giving" page (www.justgiving.com/Jamie-Tortolano) although when I searched Jamie's name it was David that came up but Gregor's details are there as well so you won't get mixed up. It would be fantastic if you can contribute to the cause.

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